
Punctual Activities

Calligraphy workshop by Liying Huang

Calligraphy, the art of beautiful writing, was long considered the supreme art form in China, Japan, and Korea. This elevated status reflects the importance of the written word in East Asian cultures. A work of art represents the mind of the people who created it; the mind of the people was molded within the frame of the traditional philosophies and conventional ideas. You are what you write and you are the artist, enjoy the peaceful and beautiful with the art you will create.

Cosplay: Award ceremony

Don’t miss the unmissable award ceremony with our jury and guests!

Drawing Manga course - Cordeb'Art

On the occasion of Japan Impact, Cordeb’Art will be present to provide an initiation to manga character drawing. Whether you like to draw, you like manga or better, you like both, be sure you will be delighted to follow their activity.

Find them on their Web Site

Furoshiki - Francine Mancini, Livres et Voyages

Discovery of the world of furoshiki, a Japanese fabric that can be used to wrap, decorate, make bags and decorations.

Find her on her Web Site

Incense ceremony with Itsuko

The four important points for its realization are “wa” harmony, “kei” respect, “sei” purity, and “jaku” serenity. The idea of “ichigo chie” that each moment is a unique moment and each encounter is a unique encounter also explains the spirit of the tea ceremony. So come and share a moment of tranquility and admire an age-old practice.

Japanese lessons with Megumi

Do you want to know the Japanese language and culture? Come to the Japanese course. You don’t know anything about this language? Don’t worry, you can discover among these 5 courses; 1 introduce yourself, 2 restaurant, know Japanese food, 3 Katakana, let’s write the name, 4 Suki, let’s talk about hobby, 5 Kanji.

Find her on her Web Site

Japanese seal workshop by Atelier Duvet

This workshop allows each participant to engrave a seal with his name in Japanese katakana characters. The seal is then decorated according to the taste of each participant. A personal and unique object!

FInd them on Instagram

Kimono ceremony with Itsuko

The kimono is the traditional Japanese clothing, worn nowadays mainly for special occasions (coming of age, wedding, …). The finest and most richly decorated kimonos can be exchanged for several thousand francs. During this workshop, we will provide you with real kimonos and help you to dress them. Indeed, to dress correctly a kimono is not as easy as it seems! It will also be an opportunity for you to take nice pictures in one of these shimmering clothes.

MaHo•Megumi - Caly

Artist-Author of the self-published indie comic “MaHo-Megumi”, Caly will hold workshops to create a small ink illustration using the wash technique (black/grey shade obtained by diluting the ink with water).

Find her on her Instagram

Minori Usui - Soba Workshop

This workshop allows participants to learn the traditional Japanese method of making buckwheat noodles. Everyone will be able to take home their own noodles. The workshop ends with a tasting of soba prepared by Minori Usui, trained at the Ôshimasobakai soba dojo in Kôriyama.