
Guests & Conferences


Ainlina is a cosplayer and runs her own business creating 3D printed cosplay accessories. She shares her passion and enthusiasm for cosplay, pop culture and 3D on Youtube and Twitch. She will show you her talents and her prop creation technique during a great conference at Japan Impact.

Find her on Instagram and on Youtube

Art of Le0

We all know North American cartoons, Japanese anime and some quality French productions. But what about Swiss cartoons? Does it exist? Yes, otherwise I wouldn’t talk about it. But it is invisible in its own country and by speaking out, I would like to break this silence. I am Léo Kun, Art of Lé0 on social networks, and I have been working for 7 years as a cartoonist in Switzerland.

Find him on Instagram


Caly, French mangaka and author/artist of the comic book “Nova”, invites you to discover her talents and the secrets of comic book creation during drawing workshops. She will lead two workshops dedicated to chibi drawing as well as a drawing workshop using the wash technique to obtain shades of black and grey by diluting ink with water. You can also meet her at her booth where she will sign one of her series, “Nova”.

Find Them on Instagram ! Caly’s Instagram and Chisa’Instagram

Conference Tanto - Wa Rei Ryu Switzerland

When we talk about samurai, it’s hard not to think about their swords, especially the daishō, the pair of blades composed by katana and wakizashi. What not everyone knows is that before there was another short sword, the tantō. Between past and present, between combat and symbolism, between history and use, come and discover this forgotten samurai guard during the conference held by the Jouen Dojo of the Wa Rei Ryu as part of Japan Impact on Saturday, February 18, 2023.

The lecture will be followed by an enbu (martial arts demonstration) focused on tantō.

Find them on Instagram

Conference: Atelier Duvet - Calligraphy

Breton artist Isabelle Jeudy has been attending conventions on Japanese culture for 18 years to share her practice of Latin and Japanese painting and calligraphy. Come and discover during this conference her anecdotes and techniques and learn more about the art of artistic writing in France and in Japan.

Find them on Instagram

Conference: Emma Obadina - Traditional home-made pastry

Discover the universe of Japanese pastry as in the 16th century with traditional utensils, soft and light pastries inspired by the architecture of nature, a specific collection for the Poly Japan 2023 of foods based on digestive well-being. This universe will be commented and explained.

Emma Obadina pastry chef and nutritherapeuthe

Find her on Instagram

Cours de japonais - Sophie Sensei

Are you planning to go to Japan but you are afraid of feeling lost? Join our conference which will teach you the “Japanese of survival during a trip to Japan”.

This conference is organized by Sophie Thomas, Japanese teacher since 2013 and creator of the Youtube channel Sophie // Japanese lessons and the Japanese lessons website.

During this weekend at Japan Impact, stop by its stand to learn the Japanese language and leave with your first name written in katakana! Yoroshiku ne!

Find her on her Web Site and on youtube

Drawing battle

Elsa Brants (“Save Me Pythie”), Reno Lemaire (“DreamLand”) and Jessica Jung (“Les Légendaires Parodia”) invite you to an epic drawing battle!

Edition Luciferine - Yokai

Presentation of yôkai and definition of the type of creature they embody in Japanese culture. We will deal with several types of yôkai on which we have worked in our anthology dedicated to them (Japanese Demons), also an opening on the numerous occurrences of yôkai in mangas, video games and horror movies.

Find them on Instagram

Elsa Brants

French cartoonist and Mangaka inspired as much by Rumiko Takahashi and the Dorothy Club as by Gotlieb and Goscinny, Elsa Brants worked on several works as a colorist before launching her own series “Save Me Pythia”, a work mixing cleverly humor and Greek mythology. The work is inspired by the myth of Cassandra, a priestess who refused the advances of the God Apollo. She is then cursed to always predict the truth without ever being believed.

Elsa Brants is invited this year by our partner Melectronics.

She will be present for signing sessions on her booth on Saturday from 10am to 1pm and from 5:30pm to 7pm and on Sunday from 10am to 12pm. She will compete against Jessica Jung and Reno Lemaire, guests of our partner Migros Melectronics, in a Drawing Battle on Saturday, from 3 to 4:30 pm in the NATSU room.

Find her on her Web Site